Wednesday, June 26, 2013

I Am A Glass Explorer!

When I sent the short essay on why I would be a good pick to become a Google Glass Explorer, I didn't think anything would come of it. Surely with the number of applicants of greater stature and knowledge of the product would overshadow this housewife and mom-of-three. I don't write amazing tech blogs. I didn't know much about the product other than the awesome demo video I had seen on Mashable. I did think it would be amazing to get an early hands-on experience with this product before the general public. Who doesn't want to have something not may have? Most of all, I wanted to see if it could help me as a busy mother.

How many times does your kid do something incredibly cute only for your phone to be in the other room or you were a tad too late in getting the camera up and running? You miss that moment. You wish you had your camera in your hand and ready to go. Maybe you just missed the next viral video because you weren't prepared. I imagined having Glass and saying, "Take a video", at the times when I otherwise wouldn't have a chance of capturing those moments.

Imagine my surprise when I received a response that I had been chosen to take part in the program!

I was pretty shocked that I was chosen out of the thousands of applicants. I began to dig deep into what the Glass could do. It looks like it will be a pretty amazing experience to have these! I am one of two people in the state of South Carolina who will have the Glasses. I often worry that someone will snatch them off my face and run. I wonder will people stare at me like I am an alien? We shall see.

I go to NYC next week to pick up my Google Glass. I am like a kid at Christmas. I can't wait to get home and start using them in everyday life. I plan to use this blog to document my experience with Glass and show the readers the way Glass can benefit your life. Stay tuned! 


  1. 1 of 2 people in the state of S.C. Wow! I am 1 of 4 people in Charlottesville.

  2. Yep! The other person is in the lower part of the state. I have the upstate to myself! :)
